Friday, November 21, 2014

Islam di Malaysia - Selamat atau terancam?

What liberal Muslims have in common is a belief that Islamic values are consistent with democracy, pluralism, human rights, and individual freedoms, as indicated in this self-definition of liberal Islam:

The name of “Liberal Islam” illustrate[s] our fundamental principles; Islam which emphasizes on “private liberties” (according to Mu’tazilah’s doctrine regarding “human liberties”), and “liberation” of socio-political structure from the unhealthy and oppressing domination. The “liberal” adjective has two meanings: “liberty” (being liberal) and “liberating.” Please note that we do not believe in Islam as such—Islam without any adjective as some people argued. Islam is impossible without adjective, in fact Islam [has] been interpreted in so many different ways in accordance to the interpreter’s need. We choose a genre of interpretation, and by this way, we selected an adjective for Islam, it is “liberal.”

Application of Criteria

It follows from the above that for a group to declare itself “democratic” in the sense of favoring elections as the vehicle for establishing government—as in the case of the present Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood—is not enough. Just as important is respect for freedom of expression, association, and religion (and the freedom not to be religious as well): what we called in The Muslim World After 9/11 the “infrastructure of democratic political processes.”

Therefore, in determining whether a group or movement meets this characterization of moderation, a reasonably complete picture of its worldview is needed. This picture can emerge from the answers given to the following questions:

Does the group (or individual) support or condone violence? If it does not support or condone violence now, has it supported or condoned it in the past?

Does it support democracy? And if so, does it define democracy broadly in terms of individual rights?

Does it support internationally recognized human rights?

Does it make any exceptions (e.g., regarding freedom of religion)?

Does it believe that changing religions is an individual right?

Does it believe the state should enforce the criminal-law component of shari’a?

Does it believe the state should enforce the civil-law component of shari’a?

Or does it believe there should be non-shari’a options for those who prefer civil-law matters to be adjudicated under a secular legal system?

Does it believe that members of religious minorities should be entitled to the same rights as Muslims?

Does it believe that a member of a religious minority could hold high political office in a Muslim majority country?

Does it believe that members of religious minorities are entitled to build and run institutions of their faith (churches and synagogues) in Muslim majority countries?

Does it accept a legal system based on nonsectarian legal principles?

Ini merupakan sebahagian petikan daripada artikel "Building a Moderate Muslim Network by RAND Corporation".

Nak kenal apa RAND Corp ini buat ? Apa aktiviti dia ? Apa tujuan penubuhan? 

Sila lawati

Berkenaan artikel yang saya kongsikan sebahagian dari petikannya di atas, boleh baca keseluruhan artikel di sini

Apa yang lebih penting adalah, cuba baca betul-betul petikan-petikan artikel yang saya kongsikan di atas?

Baca 2 atau 3 kali atau lebih, suapay betul-betul faham apa yang dimaksudkan?

Mudahnya, ia adalah satu projek dan strategi tersusun untuk mengkucar-kacirkan negara-negara yang berpegang kuat pada ajaran Islam.

Apatah lagi Malaysia yang sememangnya meletakkan Islam sebagai Agama Negara ini. Sudah pasti mereka tidak duduk diam dan sentiasa berfikir untuk menghancurkan Islam di Malaysia.

Namun kejayaan mereka di Iraq, Syria, Palestine tidak boleh dilaksanakan di sini. Iaitu menggunakan ketenteraan.

Lalu lahirnya strategi ini, mencipta satu watak Muslim Moderate mengikut takrifan mereka seperti di atas dari kalangan rakyat negara itu sendiri untuk merosakkan, mengelirukan dan merojakkan pegangan umat Islam di negera tersebut dengan mewujudkan istilah Islam Liberal, Plural, Human Rights, dan berbagai lagi yang akhirnya bertujuan Islam di negara tersebut hancur.

Inilah intipati artikel ini. Boleh baca keseluruhannya. Pembaca juga diminta buat kajian lebih mendalam, siapakah rakyat Malaysia yang pernah dinobatkan sebagai Moderate Muslim of The Year oleh mereka ini.

Kita perlu dengar dan kaji lebih banyak agar kita tidak terus ditipu kuasa besar dunia. 

Perhatikan juga soalan-soalan di dalam artikel seperti diatas, selalu dilaungklan oleh siapa? Kumpulan mana? Siapa yang memberi dana kepada mereka? Apa tujuan mereka? 

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